Brown Brothers Security Guidelines
If you plan to attend the MVMUA meeting at Brown Brothers Harriman in Jersey City . The address is 525 Washington Blvd. Very Important Though is the security in this building. Please let me know by phone 201 -418-7588 or e-mail that you will be attending. I will get together a list of ATTENDEES for security at the door. Go to the Security Station on the 2nd floor (up the escalators). Tell them you are going to Brown Brothers on the 12th Floor, if you have let me know you are attending you will be in the visitors log, if you didn't you will not be on the list. You will be directed to the elevator and the receptionist will let you in to the 12th floor and show you to the meeting room.
Please remember to bring a photo ID with you.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.