MVMUA Meeting 89

Date: November 13, 1995
Location: Merrill Lynch, NYC

The final MVMUA meeting for 1995 will offer a variety of topics from modifying the system to TCP/IP connectivity. The morning will be spent on the new VM/ESA version 2 feature, CP Exits and how it will nearly eliminate the need to modify the system. The topics in the afternoon will range from new utilities, to TCP/IP products to getting the most from the Shared File System.

Note: the meeting will start at 9:30AM, rather than the usual 9AM.

Even more important note, there will be a handout/gift at this meeting. We know you'll like it!

9:30 AM - General Association Business

9:45 AM - CP Exits: A Technical Overview of the new CP Exits function in VM/ESA Version 2.

Speaker: Richard Corak, IBM

Abstract: CP Exits gives the ability to extend and to customize CP operations by enabling you to add or to replace your own CP commands, diagnose codes, message repositories, exit routines, and SYSTEM CONFIG file statements. This provides you with the ability to customize CP without the need for SYSGEN, and without the need for an IPL of your VM system. Rich, one of the designers of CP Exits, will explain how they are written and activated within CP.

11:00 AM - Using the CP Dynamic Command/Diagnose Facility of VM/ESA Version 2

Speaker: Arty Ecock, City University of New York

Abstract: VM/ESA Version 2 allows new CP commands and diagnose routines to be added to a running system "on the fly". This facility offers an attractive alternative to older methods of system modification and tailoring. Examples of using this exciting new facilty will be presented. The new CP commands added for this support will also be discussed.

1:15 PM - Comparison of CMS Programming Interfaces

Speaker: David Kreuter, VM Resources Ltd.

Abstract: This presentation compares ways of obtaining information from CMS commands and storing the information in program variables. The interfaces are : the CMS STACK, PIPELINEs, and the extract/replace facility in the DMSERP Callable Service Library routine. The pros and cons of each method will be shown with code samples, all extracting the same information from a CMS QUERY DISK command.

2:45 PM - OpenConnect Systems - Improving the Performance of TCP/IP for IBM Mainframes

Speaker: Cleve Graves, OpenConnect, Inc.

Abstract: Most mainframe sites have awakened to the need to provide mainframe support to the "open systems" world, and most have recognized there are performance issues associated with providing non-IBM network protocols on Mainframe systems. OpenConnect provides TCP/IP connectivity for VSE, VM, MVS, and AS/400s, offering an approach to TCP/IP which provides mainframe-class scalability, reliability, and integration with Internet routed Networks. The speaker will discuss OpenConnect's products and other TCP/IP technologies, and the performance impact they can have to mainframe cpu usage, availability, and users. The discussion will provide some mainframe users experiences with TCP/IP networks and their implications to network management, availability, capacity, cost, and functionality.

3:45 PM - Revolutionizing VM Storage Management with SFS

Speaker: Chris Bolinger

Abstract: VM sites are discovering that the Shared File System is more than just a system for sharing files. SFS revolutionizes storage management by improving DASD allocations, supporting system-managed storage, and managing both CMS and POSIX files. This session explores the many benefits of SFS. It also explains how Sterling Software's VM Software products simplify SFS administration, helping you get the most from SFS.


David Kreuter <KREUTER@ADMIN.HumberC.ON.CA>

David Kreuter is the founder and president of VM RESOURCES LTD., a company specializing in comprehensive VM consulting services. David is an internationally known technical consultant and educator in the VM community. He is chairman of the Canada VM Users Group. In addition, he is a frequent presenter at user groups as well as a contributor and technical editor to Technical Support Magazine.

Chris Bolinger
Associate Product Manager
VM Software Division
Sterling Software, Inc.

Chris Bolinger is an Associate Product Manager for the VM Software Division of Sterling Software, Inc. He has been working with the division, which was originally VM Software, Inc., since June 1986. Before moving into Marketing, Chris spent five years as a product developer.