MVMUA 124, July 18, 2005
Metropolitan VM Users Association 124 July 18, 2005 Information Builders Corporate Headquarters 24th Floor - 2 Penn Plaza 7th Ave, and 32nd St. New York City, New York (Right above Penn Station) 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM Meeting Opening - Bill Munson 9:15 AM Tracy Dean - IBM - Tape Manager, Backup and Restore for z/VM With the continued growth of z/VM and Linux on zSeries, the need for systems and storage management tools on z/VM grows as well. Come here what IBM announced this year for tape and tape device management (including integration with DFSMSrmm on z/OS) and backup and restore services. You'll also get some insight into what might be coming soon. Following the presentation will be a demo of IBM Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM. 10:15 AM Coffee Break 10:30 AM Dan Martin - Rocket Software - Backup/Restore for z/VM LIVE Demo 11:30 AM LUNCH Break There are plenty of places for LUNCH close to IBI 1:00 PM Will Roden - IBM - Negotiating Topics Everybody negotiates. Some do it well and some don't. I have found that it takes years to learn to negotiate well and different techniques are needed depending on the situation. This presentation will discuss some of the basics of negotiating along with several techniques and considerations. This session will start you down the road to conducting better negotiations. 2:00 PM Coffee Break 2:15 PM Chris Casey and Will Roden - IBM - Back to Basics using z/VM If you are new to z/VM, whether you have a Linux background, z/OS, or simply have been away from VM for a long time, this is the session for you! We will show you what commands to use, how data is stored, what the file system looks like, editing files, and some of the many tools available for you to be productive in this new environment. 3:15 PM Coffee Break 3:30 PM Mike MacIsaac - IBM - z/VM and Linux on zSeries: From LPAR to Virtual Servers in Two Days There is a new Redbook available: 'z/VM and Linux on zSeries: From LPAR to Virtual Servers in Two Days'. As the title suggests a goal of the Redbook is to describe how to install and configure z/VM, install and configure Linux and be cloning Linux in two working days. Rexx EXECs and scripts are provided with the book. In addition to installing z/VM 5.1 from DVD, the following topics are discussed: the SYSTEM CONFIG file, configuring TCP/IP, allocating paging volumes, defining a common ID for CMS files, creating a highly available VSWITCH. While z/VM is being installed, the task of setting up a PC Linux NFS server is addressed. Once you have defined a Linux user ID, Linux is installed twice onto the same virtual machine: one image to clone from and the other to do the cloning. Both of these images are configured with the option of using scripts for speed, or manually to better understand the configuration. The supplied clone script is described in some detail. Cloned images can then be configured into Web, LDAP, file and print, development or other servers. Finally, backup and restore issues are addressed. 4:30 PM Questions and Answers and the IBM give away's. 5:00 PM thank you very much.