MVMUA Meeting 117

MVMUA 117, July 21, 2003



Be sure to read the new security  guidelines for
Information Builders Corporate Headquarters.

                   Metropolitan VM Users Association    117
                               July  21, 2003
                 Information Builders Corporate Headquarters
    NOTE =======>         24th Floor - 2 Penn Plaza         <===== NOTE
                             7th Ave, and 32nd St.
                            New York City, New York
                          (Right above Penn Station)
                The time will be from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
    8:30 AM        Continental Breakfast
    9:00 AM   Meeting Opening  -  Bill Munson
    9:15 AM   Derek Vadala -
              Managing RAID on Linux covers everything system
              administrators need to know to put together
              a system that can support RAID.
              You will learn about the different types of RAID,
              along with associated technologies and issues,
              and how to choose the best RAID system for
              your needs
              (This book from O'Reilly will
              be given out to all attendees)
              Check out Derek's presentation (203K)
              You can download a viewer for Microsoft PowerPoint here
   10:15 AM        Break
   10:30 PM   Rob Amos  -  Computer Associates
              CA-VM: Operator to manage Linux
              Check out Rob's presentation (1,004K)
              You can download a viewer for Microsoft PowerPoint here
   11:30 AM        LUNCH break
              There are plenty of places for LUNCH close to IBI
    1:00 PM   Will Roden - IBM
              Z/VM 4.4 update
    2:00 PM        Break
    2:15 PM   Chris Casey - IBM
              Systems Management on z/VM
              As more and more customers discover the benefits of z/VM
              virtualization technology and begin to deploy tens to
              hundreds virtual images, they will like to find ways to
              easily manage their systems.  This presentation gives a
              general overview of the various systems management
              options in z/VM today.
              Check out Chris's presentation (2,034K)
             You can download a viewer for Lotus Freelance Graphics here
    3:15 PM        Break
    3:30 AM   Ray Glynn - V.P. of Sales - ADUVA, Inc.
              Chris Van Tuin - Director of Customer Support
              Ray will:
              1. Provide background on Aduva
              2. Speak to the challenges of Linux
              3. Discuss Aduva's unique value
              Next, Chris will conduct a live
                demonstration of the software
                  OnStage for Enterprise IT
    5:00 PM   Questions and Answers and the IBM give away's.
    5:30 PM   thank you very much.

     Please Note the meeting will be in the NEW Information Builders
    Conference Center in the same Building just on a different floor.