MVMUA Meeting 114

MVMUA 114, October 21, 2002


                   Metropolitan VM Users Association    114
                              October 21, 2002
                 Information Builders Corporate Headquarters
                          27th Floor - 2 Penn Plaza
                             7th Ave, and 32nd St.
                            New York City, New York
                          (Right above Penn Station)
                The time will be from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
    8:30 AM        Continental Breakfast
    9:15 AM   Meeting Opening  -  Bill Munson
              Today We will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of
              the VM/370 product that IBM announced on August
              2nd, 1972.  We will have a number of well known
              VM enthusists talking about how VM has affected
              their life and careers.
              In the afternoon we will have 2 IBM speakers
              and 1 speaker from Computer Associates.
    9:30 AM   VM's 30th Celebration and Roast
              Paul Loftus - IBM - Vice President, Systems Software
              Leonard Santalucia - IT Specialist, eServer Linux
              David Kreuter - President of VM Resources LTD.
              Will Roden - IBM VM Development
              Jeff Savit - SUN/Merrill - Past President of MVMUA
              David Chase - IBM z/Series techline
              Rob Amos - CA/Sterling/Systems Center/VM Software
              Chris Casey - IBM VM Development
              (Speaker list not complete at this time)
   11:30 AM        LUNCH break
              LUNCH will be provided by MVMUA on site.
    1:00 PM   Brightstor Enterprise Backup for LINUX
              Robert Amos from Computer Associates
                 With the move toward 'Data Clumping', some clients
             are moving their UNIX applications to LINUX on the zSeries
             and S/390 for reliability, scalability and performence.
                 Find out how you can backup that data using BrightStor
             backup solutions and track tapes through the BrightStor VM
             tape management solutions.
    2:00 PM        Break
    2:15 PM   Hosting LINUX on IBM eServer's
              Leonard Santalucia  -
              IBM Americas eServer Linux Impact Team
    3:15 PM        Break
    3:30 PM   The Virtual Machine Resource Manager (VMRM)
              Christine Casey - IBM development Endicott
                The Virtual Machine Resource Manager (VMRM)
             provides functions to dynamically tune a z/VM system.
             This presentation discusses how the VMRM Service
             Virtual Machine can create a form of group scheduling
             by managing virtual machines into groups, or workloads,
             and how performance parameters are adjusted when there
             is contention for certain system resources.
    4:30 PM   Questions and Answers and the IBM give away's.
            We will have 30th Birthday T-Shirts provided by CA.
    5:00 PM   thank you very much.