Tuesday | Tuesday |
Information Builders Corporate Headquarters
27th Floor - 2 Penn Plaza
7th Ave, and 32nd St.
New York City, New York
(Right above Penn Station)
Note: You have to follow the security guidelines for IBI.
8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast - Breakfast provided by Vicom Infinity, Inc. |
9:15 AM | Eric Schuler-Dalverny - IBI - Meeting Opening |
9:30 AM |
Len Santalucia - Vicom - Open Mainframe Project Mainframe Study Update
What Does Today's Buyer Think about Mainframe? Len Santalucia, CTO of Vicom Infinity and Chairperson of the Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project, will present the study results from the Open Mainframe Project that looks at the perceptions of the mainframe, and separates the myths from the facts of today's mainframe. |
09:50 AM | Coffee Break |
10:00 AM |
Mike MacIsaac - ADP - Lessons Learned from Private Cloud on Z
After developing and deploying a private cloud solution on z for many years, you learn a few lessons. The speaker will first convey the business needs and payback of the "self-service" solution that has been implemented in a large shop, give a description of it, and also give a live demonstration. All along, lessons learned will be interspersed. |
11:00 AM | Coffee Break |
11:10 AM |
John Franciscovich - IBM - Leveraging the Newest Capability in z/VM
With z/VM's continuous delivery strategy, most new function is now being delivered as small programming enhancements (SPEs) in the service stream. This session will provide technical information that you need to take advantage of some of the most recent enhancements to z/VM, beginning with z/VM 6.4. We'll also cover the newest release, z/VM 7.1 and IBM Wave FP11, as well as what you need to know to run z/VM on the newest servers. |
1200 PM | LUNCH Break - Lunch provided by Vicom Infinity, Inc. |
1:10 PM |
Emily Hugenbruch, Stephanie R. Rivero
- IBM - Memory Reclamation: Feature Presentation
The flexibility to reassign (add and remove) system resources is critical to customers. Today's workloads are not static. With Dynamic Memory Downgrade on the IBM z14, a system administrator can take real memory offline from a z/VM partition, making it available to other partitions on the CEC. The removal will be dynamic; no reIPL of the z/VM image is required to accomplish a change in the memory configuration. This session will describe these new capabilities, give some guidance on use, and walk through some examples. |
2:10 PM | Coffee Break |
2:15 PM |
John Franciscovich - IBM - Understanding z/VM's LGR and Relocation Domains
It sounds like an old real estate joke, but the three most important things to understand about Live Guest Relocation: Domains, Domains, Domains. Live Guest Relocation was introduced in z/VM 6.2 and many customers have grown to love it and depend on it. One of the key concepts associated with LGR is relocation domains. If you've ever wanted to really understand this part of the whole relocation construct, then come to this session. We'll describe what relocation domains are and how they effect LGR. You'll leave being able to understand how virtual architectures are influenced by relocation domains and how they affect LGR. In other words, you'll leave being able to amaze your friends and coworkers. |
3:25 PM | Meeting adjourned and thanks to IBI and Vicom Infinity, Inc. |